Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ugly Betty

Now a days there are television shows for just about anything that you can think about. There are fantasy, comedies, real life, etc. Ugly Betty is one of the shows that I can remember very well because of how the show was set up and the kind of message it was trying give its audience. This show was about a girl of the Mexican culture trying to make it into the magazine business in New York City. Betty the main person in the show lived in a poor neighborhood in Queens in New York with her dad, her older sister and her niece. This character did not look like the stereotypical girl so it was hard for her to get a job. In our society she would be called ugly hence the name of the show Ugly Betty. The shows main target was the teenagers, young adults, and for minorities. The reason why the main target are those people is because the show is very relatable to people around that age groups and people that do not really fit the stereotypical way that people are expected to look like in order to make it in some kinds of industries.

There are lots of things in this show that address most of the popular culture beliefs, values, attitudes, narratives, and myths on how people should be. In the popular culture there are certain beliefs and values that they hold on to. Some of the beliefs and values that the popular culture tend to focus on is how everyone should behave, look at things, dress, look like, etc. In most cases the way that the popular culture tells us to act, look like, or even speak s not really how it should be. In the show Ugly Betty they do show some of the way society expects us to dress, look like, and act like. Because Betty was not the stereotypical girl, didn’t look the same, not the same body type because she was not skinny, the way she got her job and how she was treated at her job was all because of how she looked. Even though she was more than qualified for the job she wanted she was not able to get it until the owner saw her and based on her looks hired her. He only hired her because she was ugly and he didn’t want his son to be tempted to sleep with his assistant.

This show does have both positive and negative values. This show at first based all on looks and appearance. Ho people should dress, and talk like, which in reality is not true. After Betty was hired they show stated to have more positive values. The show started to go in the direction that everyone is different in their won ay and that there is not just only one look that everyone has to fall into in order to be beautiful. This show dose have a positive influence of the targeted audience and also showed that there are lots of different kind of beautiful people not just the once that society tell us.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Implication of Targeted Ad.

Targeted advertisement improves the quality of the match between the consumer and the advertisement message, and enables smaller businesses to access advertising markets from which they were previously excluded. While this holds for display advertising, it is even more true for sponsored search, where the individual consumer declares her intent or preference directly, by initiating a query.
On the other hand, if a company sends a lot of target ads to a consumer, he or she might stop using the company’s product or services. Too much of something is never good and could end up turning the consumer away. Hence the saying less is more.
In the Dr Pepper Ad,, this clearly tells consumers that their product “Dr Pepper 10”is not for women.  This showcases hyper masculinity to sell its product. They are pushing an idea that to be a real man, you can’t be sensitive and you have to be into physicality. In trying to over masculinity to promote this drink I think was not the right thing to do. Dr. Pepper is a drink that is clearly not just for a certain type of people.  So making a commercial that only targets only a certain group of people (real masculine men) was not a great idea.  I understand that they are trying to say that only real men drink Dr. Pepper 10, but the way that they portrayed it in the video is was overdone.  The commercial seemed sexist both for men and women. It portrays men to be brainless by showing them doing dangerous things without a second thought and it excludes women completely by trying to portray women as weak and not strong enough to handle the drink.
There are lots of commercials that try to play into the stereotypes of men and women. Most advertisements either try to use women as a sex symbol or men as being masculine. Some do this sadly and others do it in an extreme way for example the Dr Pepper 10 commercial.  I think to have a useful commercial advertisement companies need to be able to relate to both sexes without offending them. Yes you can please everyone but only there are ways to be able to please the majority of people.

Friday, October 4, 2013

the Verizon advertisement where they are on the streets showing people pictures of the coverage other phone companies have across the U.S on a big white poster board. They had AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint and other once. The coverage was represented by dots and the more dots the picture had the clearer the person could tell it was a map of the U.S. Because other phone companies didn’t have that much coverage the people couldn't tell it was a map but when they showed the coverage of Verizon people could clearly till it was a picture of the U.S map because it had more dots representing more coverage. The appeal of this advertisement was to show people that Verizon when compared to all the other phones had be coverage then all the other phone companies so people after seeing this should switch to the phone company that clearly has the best phone coverage across the U.S. As an AT&T customer, I was surprised to see how much little coverage they had in America from watching this advertisement. It made me reflect on time when I tried calling my family in different States and I had difficulty hearing them. 
In this advertisement  Not only is Verizon trying to show how wide their network coverage is, but at the end of the commercial, the give you an option of a trad in or upgrade from your existing network.